Kenfil Hong Kong Limited
Course CodeCourse NameCert.DayEB/PROMO (HK$)STANDARD (HK$)
VCACVMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage [V8.10] (Product formerly known as vRealize Automation)VCP-CMA / VCAP-CMA Design522,89524,100
VCAOEVMware vRealize Automation: Orchestration and Extensibility [V8.6]-522,89524,100
VCBAOTVMware Carbon Black Cloud: Advanced Operations and Troubleshooting-29,2159,700
VCBEVMware Carbon Black EDR: Install, Configure, Manage [V7.x]-315,10015,900
VCBPDVMware Carbon Black Cloud: Plan and DeployVCP-EWS29,2159,700
VCFPMOVMware Cloud Foundation: Plan, Manage and Operate [V5.0]-522,89524,100
VI8DWVMware vSphere: Design [V8]VCAP-DCV Design / VCAP-CMA Design315,10015,900
VI8FTVMware vSphere: Fast Track [V8]VCP-DCV532,76036,400
Confirmed ClassVI8ICMVMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V8]VCP-DCV522,89524,100
VI8OSVMware vSphere: Operate, Scale and Secure [V8]VCP-DCV / VCAP-DCV Deploy525,20026,520
VI8TSVMware vSphere: Troubleshooting [V8]VCP-DCV / VCAP-DCV Deploy525,20026,520
VI8WNVMware vSphere: What's New [V8]-213,77514,500
VLIDMVMware vRealize Log Insight: Deploy and Manage [V8.4]VCP-CO29,2159,700
VMCDMVMware Cloud on AWS: Deploy, Configure, Manage 2023VCP-VMC420,42521,500
VNICMVMware Aria Operations for Networks: Install, Configure, Manage [V6.8] (Product formerly known as vRealize Network Insight)-29,2159,700
VNSXVMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage [V4.0]VCP-NV522,89524,100
VNSXAVMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: Install, Configure, Manage [V21.x]VCP-NV522,89524,100
VNSXTDVMware NSX-T Data Center: Design [V4.x]VCP-NV / VCAP-NV Design525,20026,520
VNSXTSVMware NSX-T Data Center: Troubleshooting and Operations [V4.x]VCP-NV / VCAP-NV Deploy525,20026,520
VOMVMware vRealize Operations Manager: Install, Configure, Manage [V8.6]VCP-CO / VCAP-CMA Design522,89524,100
VSRMVMware Site Recovery Manager: Install, Configure, Manage [V8.6]-29,2459,730
VTASVMware Tanzu Application Service: Install, Configure, Manage-420,42521,500
VTDMVMware vSphere with Tanzu: Deploy and Manage [V7]VCP-AM / VCP-TKO 315,10015,900
VTKGVMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid: Install, Configure, Manage [V2.0] VCP-AM / VCP-TKO420,42521,500
VTMCVMware Tanzu Mission Control: Management and Operations 2022VCP-AM / VCP-TKO 15,0355,300
VV8DMVMware Horizon: Deploy and Manage [V8.8]VCP-DTM / VCAP-DTM Deploy522,89524,100
Confirmed ClassVV8ITVMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure TroubleshootingVCAP-DTM Design / VCAP-DTM Deploy315,10015,900
VV8VDTVMware Horizon 8: Virtual Desktop TroubleshootingVCP-DTM / VCAP-DTM Design / VCAP-DTM Deploy29,2459,730
VVADVMware App Volumes and Dynamic Environment Manager: Configure and Manage-315,10015,900
VVICMVMware vSAN: Install, Configure, Manage [V8]-420,42521,500
VVTSVMware vSAN: Troubleshooting [V8]-210,20010,750
VWOAIVMware Workspace ONE: Advanced Integration [V22.x]-420,42521,500
VWODMVMware Workspace ONE: Deploy and Manage [V22.x]VCP-DW522,89524,100
VWOUEMTVMware Workspace ONE: UEM Troubleshooting [V22.x]VCP-DW29,2459,730